Pet Cubes Beef Raw Frozen Dog Food is well-known fresh dog food in Singapore by many pet parents and they are nutritionally complete and balanced which is suitable for all dog's age and breed.
Formulated by canine nutritionists, Pet Cubes Beef Raw Frozen Dog Food is made up of 70% of grass-fed beef meat, heart and liver, a single protein source diet that is great for dogs with allergies and easily digestible.
It also contains 25% of organic vegetables or seasonal vegetables that provide your dog with fibre that helps to promote better digestive health and keep the stools firm.
The remaining 5% of Pet Cubes Beef Raw Frozen Dog Food, contains 5% of supplements & fruits that provide the essential vitamins & minerals which helps to fortify your dog's body immune system.
The benefits of feeding Pet Cubes frozen dog food helps to achieve vibrant skin & coat, smaller stools & less odour, lean strong muscles, improved digestion, increased energy, and improved mental alertness.
Pet Cubes raw frozen dog food is 100% unprocessed by heat, retaining 100% of vitamins & minerals prepared under strict HACCP controls, preventing the growth of bacterial and contamination. Pet Cubes uses blast freezing technology to stop bacteria growth, keeping their raw food safe for direct raw consumption.
Fresh human grade meat ingredients that are sourced from Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, and Norway, together with organic vegetables as well as other seasonal vegetables and fruits that are imported from Australia were used to prepare Pet Cubes frozen dog food.
Pet Cubes frozen dog food does NOT contain preservatives, fillers, additives, GMO ingredients, by-products, and grains.
MIX & MATCH flavourS (7 Trays Mix)
Pick your favourite PetCubes flavours and mix them up with any of the 9 single-animal proteins in a case of 2.25kg here.
View all Pet Cubes Collection.